06 Feb
Basic Mysteries in Worship

by Minister Welcome Nhariswa

Worship is a subject that has been discussed and debated for a long time and tonight we will share basic mysteries what makes worship what it is to God and to us.

1. The Position Worship takes in God’s heart 
Worship is so dear to God that when Lucifer thought of becoming God, it was a sin not worth forgiving. The devil’s sin was to think to become God. Isaiah 14:13(KJV): For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 

The devil became who he is because he messed with God’s Worship. He thought to be God. Worship is so dear to God that if he is to choose between anything and worship, he sticks to worship. The only thing that separates God and man is tempering with worship and not sin. Sin pushes a man away from God but playing with worship pushes God away from men. Worship takes you closest to God’s heart or furthest from God’s heart. Exodus 34:14 (KJV): For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God

It’s sad that the church has grieved God because the whole church program has very little time for that which is in the heart of God. The body of Christ has become so self-centered that the service is no longer about God and what He loves but about church programs and doctrine.

"Worship is everything that is in the Deity of God" ~Minister Welcome

2. Worship is the only thing  that God cannot do
God is almighty and all-powerful but he cannot worship, he needs worshipers to worship him.  Worship is given to God so He cannot give Himself worship. This then means worship is the best offering to offer before God. If you want God's attention then become a worshiper. PEOPLE OF GOD we are privileged to be worshipers because we have a chance to give God what He cannot give himself. 

1 Samuel 1:19: And they rose up in the morning early, and worshipped before the LORD, and returned, and came to their house to Ramah: and Elkanah knew Hannah his wife; and the LORD remembered her.

3. It is the only ministry on earth and in heaven

Worship is the only ministry on earth that we find in heaven. In heaven, there is no evangelism or preaching there is just worship. Revelation 4:22. The truth of the matter is, our journey to make it to heaven is to become everlasting worshipers. Therefore worship is the only ministry that can extend heaven to earth. Therefore worship is a ministry that can extend heaven to earth. GOD is omnipresent, he is everywhere but worship extends the manifest presence of God into a place. You are privileged as a worshipper to be able to share and experience heaven on earth.

4. We do not start worship, we join in worship 

We cannot start it because it’s something that is always ongoing. Revelation 4, John 4:23 - now it - is a forever present noun, meaning every moment worship is happening, so all we need to do is to tune into the heavenly frequencies and connect. This is why John says spirit and truth. We do not use worship to get in the spirit. Worship starts in the Spirit. We sing songs we hear from heaven not that we enjoy or love. We join the heavenly hosts. 

John 4:24: God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

"Worship has a heavenly source and this is a connection point that we need to download things from heaven and be effective on earth.” ~ Minister Welcome

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