by Apostle C. Tavaya
Romans 12:1 (KJV) I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
The past weeks the Lord has been impressing the issue on the humility that he expects worshippers to have. It is a very sad thing when God sees his children portraying an "I know it all" attitude in worship. At times be very genuine with yourself and seek for help. Seek the advice of men and women of God who have gone ahead of you. On another extreme, there are other worshippers who have gone to an extent of not being able to help other fellow worshippers in humility. Some would rather watch a brother struggling, than to help. Some go to the pinnacle of the mountain to tell the world the help that they gave to a struggling brother. Is this the humility God wants? In pride some have forsaken their fervency for God, some were even derailed from their callings due to the price of pride.
As you lead worship, since it is all about God, submit to Him in humility and let God guide you through it all. On that song you are writing, on that concert, on that worship service you don't know it all, ask for God's help. I know it seems its automatic to you that the song will be the next hit because you have the best voice, all the experienced backing vocals, the best band, you have the money and everything it takes, BUT walk in HUMILITY before GOD and consult with him still. ALLOW THE LORD TO GUIDE YOU STILL.
Lord teach us to walk in humility as we worship you....