07 Feb
Leading Worship

by Pastor Josh Kays

Leading Worship is not a joke. It’s not something that you should take for granted cause it requires one to be sensitive to the move of the spirit in that particular service or season…This has to be something you cry for every day of your life as a worship leader or Gospel Artist. Yes you have songs that are ministering to you in that season but it might not be the song that God wants you to sing in that service but because sometimes we are not sensitive and we want to show people that we can sing anything or display our vocal abilities we miss what God had planned for that day because of our human insensitivity to the move of the Holy Ghost. In him we LIVE, MOVE and have our BEING simply means as a worshipper, God is our environment, God is our stadium, God is our everything …we have to rely on him for new songs…I have been in a service where you really know that this worshipper is singing to impress us, I have also been in a service where you really feel that this worshipper has managed to understand that what he is doing is not something to joke around with but this is God’s business. 

My encouragement to every worshipper is God inhabits the praise of His children, so try by all means to get God’s attention every time you are in front of people, not people’s attention…Whenever you are given an opportunity to minister know that those 5 minutes you are assigned to minister can elevate your gift or kill your gift, those 5 minutes can make someone see God and be delivered or can make someone miss their opportunity to be delivered in the presence of God …because healing , deliverance happens in his presence…

- Read the word of God every time.

- Be a prayerful worshiper.
- Be a prayerful worshiper.
- Be sensitive to the Holy Ghost.
- Seek God’s attention, not people's approval.
- Be humble, you will be elevated by God in due time.

-Put God first, everything else will follow you.

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