15 Aug
The Knowledge of the Word vs The Anointing

by Pastor Lavy

What strengthens us as we go through situations of life is the knowledge of the word and not the anointing. Hard times don't test how anointed you are but how much you know Him. So many of us pray and believe God for the anointing to do exploits, but we don't understand that anointing is meant to help others, except you. Anointing doesn't help the carrier of the anointing, and it is not the measure of the knowledge of God. 

A lot of powerful and greatly anointed servants of God have fallen prey to the enemy in the valley of hardships, persecutions and betrayals because they spent much time developing themselves for other people's battles, and failed to develop inner stamina or strength for their own personal valleys. Jesus Christ said, "He is anointed to preach good news to the poor, proclaim liberty to the captives, open blind eyes, and set the oppressed free." In Acts 10:38, scriptures say, "How God anointed Jesus Christ of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: Who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil, for God was with him". Yet the same anointing didn't help Him with His own personal battles. He didn't display the anointing when  arrested or when He was on the cross, but He displayed courage, inner strength, patience, and fortitude. He didn't display the anointing when He faced the devil in the wilderness, but He displayed His knowledge of the Word of God. You aren't powerful by the number of demons you cast out in the name of Jesus Christ. Remember, demons are subject to you because of the name of Jesus Christ. You are powerful because of the tribulations or temptations you have overcome without giving up or doubting. 

Therefore, don't read the Word of God to preach or bless others but rather read to feed your spirit man. Don't pray or seek God so as to be anointed but rather seek God to know Him and fellowship with Him better. Otherwise, you become mighty against the Philistines and deliver the whole of Israel  but are weak in the presence of Delilah and fail to deliver yourself from her. You can be too mighty and powerful to bring Goliath down to the applause of everyone, but too weak to withstand one naked woman having a bath. I recommend inner strength. Don't be a champion in fighting other people's battles and failing yourself. 

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